
Welcome to the take off page! Here you can leave and go visit other sites I find cool.


  • None yet.

Cool Things

  • Cisco Talos - Live map of virus attacks around the world.
  • Sonic.exe Subreddit - Real cool webpage design.
  • Adventure Quest - The greatest flash game ever made.
  • The Sprite Database - Another great db of sprites from video games.
  • GNU Taler - A proposal for an anonymous payment system that isn't crypto-based.
  • Ecosia - A search engine that saves trees.
  • Oceanhero - A search engine that saves the ocean.
  • Windows93 - A really cool website for a fictional OS.
  • ZetaPlays - One man's quest to play ever SNES/NES/MD game ever made.
  • Funkwhale - A decentralized music platform. One day I will host my free music with it.
  • Fediverse Party! - A map of the known fediverse.
  • Bio100 - An absolutely gorgeous site hosted by a group of gamedevs.
  • Daughters of Darkness - A novel that pushes the very boundaries of fiction.
  • Gaminghell.co.uk - A gorgeous site for game reviews and related media.
  • MediaGoblin - A FOSS project that allows for an artist to host their material over the internet in a decentralized repository.


  • Sadgirl's HTML Tutorials - Neocities-adjacent tutorials on HTML.
  • More coming soon when I feel like organizing all my favourites.

    Badge City


    Currently collecting more...