Game Downloads and Patches

While I continued to hack away at my translation project this page only has one game on it. As such I will keep it top-level until I have something more to release.

Hosted Games

ReshefIsActuallyTolerableNow by Ephraim225

Credit + Contact

Ephraim225's YouTube Channel
Original Post

Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction is a GBA game and the offical sequel to Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards. Set a year after the events it follows your self-insert as you journey across the world to stop some ancient being called Reshef from being summoned. While these two games barely followed Yu-Gi-Oh! rules I still believe they are excellent and fun RPGs. (and actually better than other games which eschewed the foruma, sorry by Spellbound Kingdom is terrible)

The game suffers from a lot issues from kaizo-level difficulty, annoying graphical glitches, constantly fluxuating prices and other BS issues. In 2017, youtuber and game developer Ephraim225 released a patch which drastically fixes all bugs, corrects difficulty and fixes the annoying grahpical glitches.

In my honest opition it makes the game not only tolerable but excellent. After playing through the patch I can confirm this puts it on the same level as The Sacred Cards. The difficulty is still scalding but not unfair.

Released only on a single reddit post (and we all know how many issues reddit has) I asked for permission to host it here, hopefully giving it a more permanent home. He permitted it and here you can download the patch. What follows here is a copy-paste from the Reddit post. At the time of writing the mediafire link is still up. Regardless, below you can download the patch directly from this site.

In order to patch you need an IPS patcher (I recomend Floating IPS Patcher) and a copy of the game. It needs to be the American/USA version of Yu-Gi-Oh!: Reshef of Destruction. According to No-Intro the game should have a hash or c06decdf51468503434dcb5e7bbdcca5 (MD5) and dad3aa7dd470c9b475236fed2ea867b04ab1b089 (SHA-1).

Patch Notes

Hello everyone! I've created another mod, this time for Reshef of Destruction on the GBA, and it's a lot more extensive than that hard mode I made of Duelist of the Roses. This patch fixes a LOT of critical annoyances the original game had, so you can actually have...well, more fun than you would have without it!

Version 2 - I've made a couple alterations to the patch. First, the Limited/Semi-Limited lists were removed, so you no longer have to deal with that. The CPU doesn't, why should you? Second, a bug was fixed involving permanent effects activated in the graveyard, HOWEVER, if you are using monsters with permanent effects, it's now recommended to push B twice before making an attack so that the screen updates the ATK/DEF it's displaying. I'm not a perfect coder, so I had to make a choice between this minor inconvenience and fixing a hilariously bad bug. Sorry!

Oh yes, and there are two patches in the download now. ReshefIsActuallyTolerableNow.ips is the latest version with all the changes below, and the other patch is for people who ONLY want the Permanent Effect fixes, and NO OTHER GAMEPLAY CHANGES. For a more...."pure" experience.

Download here: Mediafire

Changes this patch makes include:

  • Selling a card gives you 50% of the card's price
  • Cards can be sold even at 1 copy
  • Card prices never change
  • Life points always start at 8000 for the player
  • Life points always start at 8000 for all opponents outside the Hall of Eternity
  • Duelist level no longer does anything
  • Permanent effects show text only once per card
  • The permanent effect cursor no longer has to take 2 seconds of your time to scan the board
  • New Deck Cost formula implemented with adjustments
Changes to the cards include:
  • Dark-Eys Illusionist, Nightmare Penguin, Barox, Dark Chimera, King of Yamimakai, Castle of Dark Illusions, Reaper of the Cards, and Metal Guardian now have accurate TCG stats
  • Exodia and the Petit Moth cards now have orange card colors
  • Fire Reaper, Ooguchi, Rainbow Flower, Jinzo #7, and Queen's Double can now attack directly
  • Infinite Dismissal was given Negate Attack's graphic
  • Torrential Tribute was given Mirror Force's graphic
  • Former Ritual Monsters are no longer Divine attribute
  • Ritual Summoning no longer possible. The Ritual spells were replaced with three brand new cards:
    1. Weather Report: His effect negates the effect of Swords of Revealing Light
    2. Maiden With Eyes of Blue: Her effect summons Blue-Eyes White Dragon
    3. Kaibaman: His effect sacrifices himself to summon any Dragon monster from your hand, including Slifer. Irony?
